Recruiting Climate Champions

Written by Sebastian Sadja

February 1, 2022

Recorded Wednesday February 16th, 7:00 PM

We need good candidates with a solid commitment to climate action to run in our local council and school board elections this fall!

WE-CAN’s Local Engagement Team’s second Round Table “Recruiting Climate Champions” is a “how to” session with tips and suggestions on how to find and recruit activists to run for elected office.

With presenters: 

  • Megan Curren (District of North Vancouver Councillor) will explore ways to engage potential candidates in conversation around deep, structural system change versus carbon myopic conversations rooted in the status quo dominant worldview.  Megan will present a systems-based tool which could spark deeper inquiry and conversation.
  • Nicole Charlwood (City of Nelson Councillor) will relate her personal experiences in recruiting and supporting climate champions, through relationship building.
  • Ned Taylor (District of Saanich Councillor) first ran for councillor when he was 18, and was elected at the age of 19.  Ned believes firmly that young people deserve a say in their future.

The session was moderated by Andrea Reimer who currently teaches at UBC and SFU. A former three-term Vancouver City Councillor, Andrea works with municipal governments, non-profits and mission driven local businesses on climate and social policy.

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