Did you know that if all of BC’s six planned LNG plants go ahead, they will require a massive increase in fracking to provide the fossil gas?
In 2021 the BC Energy Regulator said there were 8,200 active fracked wells in northeast BC. Each creates climate, health, environmental, water-use, noise pollution, light pollution, and earthquake hazards. If all of the LNG projects go ahead, BC will need 70,000 more fracked wells.
This is climate lunacy. We must mobilize to inform people of what’s being planned, and do everything we can to stop it.
On Thursday May 23rd, 6-8pm. in partnership with Dogwood, the Wilderness Committee, and, we invite you to join us for a Climate Action Provincial Assembly on how we can end fracking in BC, and with it, the associated LNG projects and their pipelines. We are holding this CAPA in preparation for the big Forward for a Frack-Free Future Gathering in Vancouver on June 7th-9th.
Register here
At the Assembly:
- Peter McCartney from the Wilderness Committee will give us a background introduction.
- We will work in break-out groups to develop ways to stop this disaster.
- Paige Gorsak from Dogwood will tell us about the big Forward for a Frack-Free Future Gathering – a weekend of connection, training, scheming, and dreaming that’s happening in Vancouver on June 7th-9th, which we are all invited to attend
- We will work in a second round of break-out groups to discuss how folks can participate in the Gathering, and how local climate action groups can make an impact.
Register here
The Startling Facts on Fracking and LNG
If all of BC’s six planned LNG plants go ahead they will require a massive increase in fracking to provide the fossil gas. In 2021, the BC Energy Regulator said there were 8,200 active fracked wells in northeast BC. Each fracked well creates climate, health, environmental, water-use, noise pollution, light pollution, and earthquake hazards. If all of the LNG projects go ahead, BC will need 70,000 more fracked wells.
If five of the LNG plants go ahead, they will require the equivalent of eight new Site C Dams to generate the electricity needed to liquefy the fossil gas. Will BC Hydro ask us to install solar on our roofs to provide the power needed to operate the LNG plans?
If those same five plants go ahead, their operation will add 30 megatonnes of climate pollution (GHGs) to the atmosphere every year. BC’s total emissions in 2022 were 64 megatonnes. BC’s climate action plan – CleanBC – calls for emissions from fossil fuel production to fall to 9 MT by 2030, not to rise to 30 MT. And that’s just within BC. It does not include the climate pollution that happens during LNG shipping, and when the gas is burnt in the countries it is shipped to, to generate heat or power.
Please join us, so that together, we can stop this climate lunacy.
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