Looking for ways to raise funds for your climate action group? Worried about the amount of work involved, especially if your group is all volunteer-run? Looking for new fundraising ideas?
This guide is especially aimed at small and medium-sized volunteer-run climate action groups.
Starting with the question of what makes a fundraiser successful and what to do if your group needs the money but has no energy to put on a fundraiser, this guide walks you through the different steps for putting on a successful fundraiser.
This includes how to prepare your fundraisers before you even start as well as the all-important follow-up and how to maintain donors after your fundraising event.
The guide was produced by members of the West Coast Climate Action Network’s (WE-CAN) fundraising team. If you have any questions, or are in need of specific advice, please email and ask to be connected to the Fundraising Team.
Good luck with your fundraising efforts!
Lily Mah-Sen on behalf of WE-CAN’s Fundraising Team
January 2024
Open the kit here: